

Interested in learning more about Pack 10 Honeoye Falls?

Sorry to have missed you, but we've packed up camp at this web address!

Grab your compass and hike on over to our new site (https://www.troopwebhostcs.org/Pack10HoneoyeFalls/)!  

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Cub Adventure Camp

Posted on Feb 8 2023 - 9:58am

Pack10 Families!!

Mr. LaFlam has reserved the Mountain Man camping area again-7/20-7/22/23!! This is Cub Scout Adventure Camp at Camp Cutler.

Welcome Back Campout

Posted on Sep 12 2022 - 2:12pm

We will get our season off to a rip-roaring start with a multi scout divisional campout. Scouts can come Friday night to sleep over or come Saturday starting at 9:00 for the beginning of activities with a campout to Sunday also an option. Cost to attend will be $10/scout/friend. This will cover food, and a rocket kit. 

End of Season Pack Meeting

Posted on Jun 12 2022 - 9:27pm

It’s hard to believe that the scouting season has come and gone. The pack has seen our AOL Scouts crossover to the troop, now it is time for ranking up of the younger scouts. We will be meeting at the Scout House at 6:30, going to 7:30-8:00. If your scout has been using a pack supplied neckerchief, please have it washed so that it can be handed down or handed in. See you all then.

AOL Crossover Round #2/ Pack Meeting

Posted on May 18 2022 - 5:40pm

Join us for a pack meeting to recognize awards earned by your scouts. It is also time to see our girl AOL scouts make their way to the BSA Troop side of the bridge! It is an important step in their continuing journey through scouts. Nice job scouts!

AOL Crossover/Pack Meeting

Posted on Apr 10 2022 - 10:04pm

Hello Pack10 families!

Hope this finds you well. A reminder that there is a pack meeting this Wednesday the 13th., 6:30 at the Presbyterian Church. The AOL scouts from Den 2 will be crossing over to Troop 10. Please join the pack as we send these scouts off on their new adventures with the troop!

Summer Camp 2022

Posted on Mar 9 2022 - 9:19am

Good morning all-


we are trying to gauge interest in summer camp for this year.  below is a survey link that you can use to let us know if you are interested and what dates work for you.  Summer camp will be happening at Camp Cutler in Naples NY this year.  it consists  days and 2 overnights.  parents are required to addend for the pack if you have a scout camper.

BSA Pack # 10

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